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eMotion LV1 Tutorial 3.2: Channel Window – Preset Menu

Mar 01, 2017 | 4,487 Views

Learn how to copy, save and import all of your eMotion LV1 channel presets and parameters using the Preset Menu of the eMotion LV1 live mixing console.

Channel presets enable you to load and save channel settings. Audio routing, assignments, plugins & their parameters, aux sends, and control groups; All, or part, of a channel’s parameters can be copied from one channel to another, or exported for other sessions.

The Preset Menu addresses the selected channel, whose name is show in the Top bar.

The name of the current preset is shown above the Plugin Rack. An asterisk indicates that settings have changed since the preset was loaded.

Open the Preset menu with the down arrow.

The top part of the menu deals with channel presets. The bottom part is about sessions and scenes.

Factory Presets opens a library of presets supplied by Waves. These provide good starting points for many common setups.

If the preset calls for a plugin in that is not present or authorized, the preset will load but that plugin will be disabled.

Two factory presets are particularly useful when creating a new session:

  • Reset loads a dynamic, EQ, and filter eMO plugin into the top three slots of the channel. This provides a full set of plugins that can be controlled from the Channel and Mixer windows.
  • Empty removes all plugins from the rack. A factory preset cannot be modified. Instead, you can open it and save it as a user preset.
  • User Presets is a list of user-made channel presets, created from within the current session or imported from another. User presets are part of a session. They are not separate files.

To delete a user preset, hold Ctrl before opening the Preset menu. Preset names will be preceded by ‘Delete’. Select the preset and it will be deleted. This cannot be undone.

Use Import from File to import presets that have been saved outside the session, as files. Imported presets can then be saved as user presets in the session.

The Paste command pastes the copied channel preset to the selected channel.

Use Save to save the current channel settings to the loaded channel preset, overwriting it.

Save to User Presets creates a new user preset. These are saved as part of the current session. Think of this a “Save As” function.

Rename Preset allows you to change the name of the current channel preset.

Save to File creates a new preset file that’s saved at a user-defined location. These can be used to export to other LV1 systems or to Studio Racks, or to MuliRacks.

Use the Copy command to copy the current channel condition to the clipboard. A copied channel preset can be pasted to any other channel in the current session. Choose which settings to replace and which to leave unchanged on the target channel.

Choose Select All to replace all channel settings, including the channel name.

You can paste channel presets between mono and stereo channels.

If you paste a mono channel preset to a stereo channel, the mono plugins will load their stereo components, when possible.

When you paste a stereo channel preset to a mono channel, the mono plugin components will load.

You can also copy a channel preset from one session to another:

  1. First save the channel as a file
  2. Open new session in Preset menu
  3. Open the target session and import the file.

This replaces all channel parameters.

In this video we looked at the Preset menu; How to copy, save, and import channel presets. The preset menu is a very valuable tool for moving channel parameters, whether within or between sessions.

In the next video we’ll take a look at the Input section of the LV1’s Channel window.

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