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eMotion LV1 Live Mixer – Support Notes

Jun 27, 2024

This page presents existing issues, some with workarounds, that we are working to solve in eMotion LV1. It also summarizes key improvements and main issues solved in the eMotion LV1 live mixer. We will update this page on an ongoing basis as more issues are solved.

We encourage you to contact Waves Live Support and report any issue you may encounter.

Table of Contents:

  •  OS Compatibility
     Windows 11Windows 10Ventura 13Monterey 12Big Sur 11Catalina 10.15Mojave 10.14
    eMotion LV1 V14xx
    eMotion LV1 V13x
    eMotion LV1 V12xxx
     Plugins Compatibility
     V15 PluginsV14 PluginsV13 PluginsV12 Plugins
    eMotion LV1 V14x
    eMotion LV1 V13xx
    eMotion LV1 V12xx
    • Plugin resizing is supported with eMotion LV1 12.8 and above with 12.7 plugins and above, in the ‘un-docked’ plugin window.

    Legacy Versions:

    • eMotion LV1 v11 supports V12, V11, and V10 plugins only.
    • eMotion LV1 v10 supports V11 and V10 plugins only.
    • eMotion LV1 v9 supports V10 plugins, V9 plugins, and these these third-party plugins.
    • Performance of eMotion LV1 V12/V13 may degrade when running for long durations on macOS 10.15 Catalina, due a memory leak in the ‘Metal’ graphic engine.
      Solution: If you have macOS 10.15 Catalina on a Macs with ‘Metal’ and use plugins for long durations (e.g. for broadcast), we recommend you update to any newer macOS version.

Known Issues in eMotion LV1 current version

We are currently working on solutions for these issues. We will announce fixes and update the page as more issues are solved. For some of the issues, we recommend workarounds below.

  • MixMirror may be sluggish if an outdated Intel UHD driver is installed. Fix: Install the recommended Intel UHD driver by following the instructions in this article.
  • When using 3 screens with MixMirror, the connection to LV1 may break after a while. To fix, remove the MyRemote module in LV1’s controller slot and reassign it. Using 4 screens is not supported with MixMirror at the moment.
  • Starting with Mac OS Ventura, network timing & priority infrastructure introduced some changes, affecting SoundGrid driver performance. As a result, using Apple computers for recording or playback with the SoundGrid driver may exhibit intermittent audio dropouts. Apple and Waves are working in collaboration towards fixing this issue, however until resolved, we recommend using Windows computers for recording and playback with the SoundGrid driver. Still, there are many systems that record/playback with Apple computers flawlessly, so we strongly suggest to review the SoundGrid Recording/Playback Tips for Apple Computers article.

    Using Apple Macs to run SoundGrid host applications, such as SuperRack SoundGrid or eMotion LV1, is fully supported.
  • I/O device control panels will not auto-scale.
  • MyRemote control panel will not auto scale.
  • In low resolutions, auto scaling may introduce some graphic artifacts such as blurry texts, un-even shapes of controls / indicators.
  • Running eMotion LV1 12.8. and above on an Axis One or Proton computer, or on any computer with Intel UHD Graphics, requires a compatible graphic driver version. Follow these steps to update the graphics driver.
  • Side Chain output will not be muted, even if the source channel is muted.
  • When an input preamp is assigned to more than one channel, a Gain control value change will affect a channel that is set as Recall Safe, if any of the other channels are not set as Recall Safe.
    Workaround: use “Local mode” instead of “Preamp mode” on channels that duplicate a preamp input.
  • High-latency plugins may produce small clicks when bypassed from a scene parameter change.
  • In Channel view, Scheps Omni Channel's gain-reduction will not show if eMo D5 Dynamics is inserted in the rack.
  • Moving plugins with high latency between channels may cause an audible artifact.
  • When setting an output delay on a channel’s physical output, the delay setting will ‘stick’ with physical output and not with the channel’s output.
  • When changing sample rates, the sync time for the new sample rate depends on the number of devices in the SoundGrid network.
  • The redundant server may take 3-10 seconds to take over, depending on session complexity.
  • Bucket View in the CLA MixHub plugin is currently not supported in eMotion LV1.
  • When mapping CLA MixHub to the Channel overview window, graphic errors may show in the overview display.
  • The driver network buffer setting can translate to different performance on different computers. These differences will affect the network performance.
  • When a SoundGrid Driver shared by another system is assigned in the system inventory, or a pre-assigned SoundGrid Driver is set to be shared, the minimal network buffer will be 288 samples. Drivers set to lower settings prior to sharing will automatically change to 288 samples.
  • Audio streamed via the SoundGrid Driver WDM into a SoundGrid network may be distorted if Windows’ ‘High-Performance’ profile is not selected. Selecting ‘High Performance’ may require Admin or IT privileges.
  • I/O sharing is supported between eMotion LV1 and other SoundGrid applications running in the latest version only.
  • If updating the firmware of your SoundGrid server or interface via a network switch results in errors, connect the unit directly to your computer and repeat the firmware update.
  • DiGiGrid DLI/DLS patches do not load if eMotion LV1 is set to Previous session/Last state mixer startup mode.
    Workaround: load the session again via the SHOW tab or start the mixer in Empty Session mode, then load your session.

Additional Support Notes

The following are not bugs. Rather, they are technical notes you should be aware of when operating eMotion LV1. Some of these notes are relevant for all LV1 versions and some are relevant for specific legacy versions:

  • When a DiGiGrid D / Q / M interface is the only I/O in the setup, using multiple servers is not recommended. Doing so may result in unexpected behavior.
  • Waves X10 servers (Extreme-C SoundGrid Server, Extreme SoundGrid server, One-C SoundGrid Server, Titan\Titan-R SoundGrid Server) are not compatible with eMotion LV1 V9.
  • Some Intel MacBook Pro computers use two graphic adapters, to avoid possible SoundGrid Driver Audio drops during GPU switching, we recommend to disable the Automatic graphic switching option on these computers, as detailed in this Apple support article.
  • We do not support putting the eMotion LV1 host computer to sleep/hibernate mode while using the application. Doing so may result in unexpected behavior.
  • Windows Only: eMotion LV1 12.8 now offers auto scaling of the application, per resolution. For best results, Windows scaling must to be set to 100% (in 4K - can be set to 200%).
  • There may be situations where a device is not managed by any SoundGrid host. It will continue to stream audio and can be used and patched, however, its specific settings cannot be modified until one of the SoundGrid hosts claims full management of this device. The I/O will appear orange in both host inventories.
  • For best performance of audio transport from the SoundGrid Core Audio Driver to the SoundGrid network, consult this page for up-to-date information on Thunderbolt to Ethernet Adapters for SoundGrid networking on Mac computers.
    Recording and playing back over 32 channels using your local Apple ethernet port is not recommended and may cause random audio drops.
  • For some systems it is advisable to use a secondary computer for recording/playback. This provides optimal CPU and disk performance on the primary computer that is running eMotion LV1.
  • The SoundGrid driver (V9-V14) is available for installation via Waves Central. Use this method to install it for recording/playback computers in your network. The driver major version should match the eMotion LV1 version.
  • Reassigning the management of a device will usually not affect the audio. In certain situations, however, changing the device management can result in routing override changes.
  • LV1 supports up to 6 detached plugin windows simultaneously, in addition to the mixer’s window tabs.
  • On scene change, if different plugins are used in the Scheps Omni Channel or CLA MixHub insert slots, DSP load will change accordingly and may cause a short audio drop.
  • LV1’s Mute All function is instant. There is no prompt or audible warning asking whether you are sure you want to mute all channels.
  • Loading a preset with a new plugin rack configuration (different plugins or different plugin order) will override and propagate the settings to all the scenes.
  • Dugan Speech’s per-channel On/Off state does not change with scenes. Use Dugan Speech’s Auto Control On/Off to toggle per-channel operation with scenes.
  • Assigning to mono Matrix from a source channel in the Mixer, Channel or Patch windows will always assign L+R, even if it was previously set to another option from Matrix mixer. When specific routings are required for Matrix "left only," "right only," or "all (L+R)," they can be set and muted only from the Matrix mixer on the Channel window.
  • DiGiGrid D, Q and M Interfaces can function as the network SOE (clock) master only when they are the only interface/s in the SoundGrid network. If other SoundGrid interface/s are added to the same network, make sure to set a different SoundGrid interface (not from the D, Q & M product line) as the SOE master.
  • If the outputs of a DiGiGrid D / Q / M interface are patched to a Soundgrid Driver, audio will not pass if the Driver Network Buffer is set to 1024 samples in the Soundgrid host application.
    Workaround: change the driver’s network buffer to 512 or lower.
  • The latest supported firmware version for the XI-WSG I/O SoundGrid Card for Roland (1.17.14) is available only as part of the V11 offline installer and is supported with eMotion LV1 V11 and V12 only.
  • FIT Controller: The color of a selected channel in LV1 is white, if you set a channel’s color as white as well, it will not be identifiable as the selected channel.
  • In eMotion LV1 V14, the top 1-16 buttons of the FIT controller trigger 16 user keys. In previous versions, it triggered 8 Mute groups and 8 User keys.
    If you still wish to trigger mute groups via the FIT controller, you may do so by assigning the function ‘Toggle Mute Group’ to a user key.
  • Recalling a scene that changes the internal routing of a channel may cause an audio glitch if that channel has high latency values (due to routing or plugins).
    Workaround: Set ROUTING to Recall Safe and/or remove it from the scope of a scen.
  • AVB systems using a SoundGrid BR1 (discontinued) unit connected to a JGS56 NetGear switch, will introduce audio drops and interruptions.
    Workaround: use a different supported switch.
  • Using ‘Duet Display’ software for extending display to mobile devices is not supported with eMotion LV1, using it may introduce long startup times and other stability issues.
  • Performance of eMotion LV1 V12 and V13 may degrade when running for long durations on macOS 10.15 Catalina, due a memory leak in the ‘Metal’ graphic engine.
    Solution: Update to eMotion LV1 to the latest version or update a newer macOS version.
  • On Mac systems, when changing the number of driver channels, audio playing from a Browser tab will stop and will not resume until the SoundGrid Driver is unselected and reselected in System Preferences → Sound.
  • Input A/B Channel assignments are not part of the scenes scope.

Known Issues Fixed in eMotion LV1

  • When using the cue buss as a matrix input with ‘entire mixer aligned’ setting, outputs may momentarily mute when engaging the cue, due to output delay alignment. We recommend ‘align by mix buss/delay group’ setting in this scenario. If all outputs must be aligned, you can assign all I/O outputs except for the cue matrix output to a single delay group. - Fixed in LV1 V14.26
  • Using the Mackie protocol or Mackie Controllers on Apple Silicon computers is not currently supported - Fixed in V14.20.54.510
  • In some sessions or scenes, preamp settings are not recalled correctly - Fixed in V14.20.54.510
  • Driver channel count data is not saved when removing device and selecting to keep connections - Fixed in V14.20.54.510
  • When creating a new scene, all scope parameters are highlighted by default, even if the previous scene had partial scope selection - Fixed in V14.20.54.510
  • Internal routing is not updated in a scene when updating scene via the presets menu - Fixed in V14.20.54.510
  • External insert may show incorrect send/return patches when the rack is processed by a server in groups B/C/D - Fixed in V14.20.54.510
  • Sends on Faders mode is not retained when toggling between custom layers - Fixed in V14.20.54.510
  • The ‘Show Keyboard’ icon is not available in the Show, Patch and Setup windows.
    Workaround: Launch the on-screen keyboard via the ‘Show Keyboard’ icon in the Mixer or Channel windows prior to accessing any text field in the windows above.Fixed in V14.
  • BPM text entry field does not work in SETUP page.
    Workaround – access from any other pageFixed in V14.
  • ‘Save as Default Preset’ option for plugins does not work on presets named ‘PA Default’. Workaound,: using the ‘Preset Browser’ click ‘Reset to Default’ – Fixed in V14.
  • Fader functionality of Link group members may behave unexpectedly via FIT controller, after switching focus to another link group. Workaround: set link off, then focus on the desired link group and set link on – Fixed in V14.
  • Adding more than 5 mobile devices to MyRemote within eMotion LV1, may cause the MyRemote control panel to close. This issue does not affect the functionality of your mobile app (MyMon, MyFOH, mRecall). Workaround: Remove and re-assign the MyRemote controller driverFixed in V14.
  • TRACT V14: FIR EQ corrections are not saved with the session.
    Workaround: Rollback TRACT to V13. Go to Waves\Plug-ins V14 folder and manually remove the TRACT.Bundle file. Launch Waves Central, go to Install > All Products section, at the top right choose ‘V13’, search for TRACT V13 and install itFixed in V14.
  • Loading Nx Germano Studios New York will crash eMotion LV1. This will be fixed in the next version. Until then – do not use Nx Germano Studios New York in eMotion LV1 – Fixed in V14.
  • Cueing high latency channels may cause a short drop on output busses (when LV1 is set to Entire Mixer Aligned) – Fixed in V14.
  • Session notes: Only the first 128 characters are saved – Fixed in V14.
  • eMotion LV1 may freeze when moving between scenes with different GTR3 plugin parameter settings – Fixed in V13.
  • When loading a session, inaudible errors may appear in the routing view. This does not indicate a problem. To fix: click the Reset button in the routing view pane – Fixed in V13.
  • When moving windows between screens with different resolutions, flickering or momentary discoloration or transparency may occur. – Fixed in V13
  • Restarting or shutting down your computer immediately after closing the eMotion LV1 V12.3.0.155 may bring up an “eMotion LV1 has recovered from an Unexpected Shutdown” message upon the next launch, even though the software was shut down properly. – Fixed in v12.8
  • In a shared setup, if an IO device used as the SOE master on system A is unassigned and then assigned on system B (which already has a master clock device) – the IO will use its internal clock instead of changing to ‘SOE slave’. – Fixed in 12.8
  • Bug in the ALL layer, causing channel selection from the mixer’s fader area not to work – Fixed in v12.
  • After updating I/O firmware, users may be asked to perform another update and power cycle. If you encounter this issue in eMotion LV1 V11, use the V12 hardware driver (available in Waves Central) to fix this issue. – Fixed in v12.
  • The ‘ALT’ and ‘CTRL’ quick-access keys of the Mixer and Channel windows are now momentary and will not latch – Fixed in v11.
  • On Mac OS 10.15.1, when scrolling through LV1 menus, there is no indication of what you are selecting in the menu or where the cursor is – Fixed in macOS 10.15.2.
  • In certain cases, when toggling quickly between scenes that change the layout of the detached plugin windows, eMotion LV1 may hang– Fixed in LV1 + latest V11 plugin updates.
  • No Scope or Recall Safe for direct output source selection, even though these can change with scene change – Fixed in v11.
  • Mono-to-Stereo plugins will duplicate their left output to their right output instead of providing actual left and right stereo output – Fixed in eMotion LV1 v11 + v11 plugins.
  • Filter "link" breaks when "Channel Filters" are assigned to Scheps Omni Channel – Fixed in eMotion LV1 v11 + v11 plugins.
  • On Windows, if a high contrast theme is selected, some controls may appear unresponsive – Fixed in v11.
  • Mac El Capitan and Sierra only: Controls and meters may behave sluggishly – Fixed in v11.
  • When changing scenes, the new settings may be slightly updated graphically after the audio change – Fixed in v11.
  • When 50 scenes or more are stored, audio and graphic load times may slow down – Fixed in v11.
  • No Scope or Recall Safe for direct output source selection, even though these can change with scene change.– Fixed in v11.
  • macOS users:
    • LV1 may freeze when left unattended for hours. In such a case, restart the LV1 software – Fixed in v11.
    • LV1 may quit when a primary or extension monitor is disconnected or shut down during operation – Fixed in v11.
  • Following a firmware update, some devices (I/Os or servers) were not automatically assigned after restart. Their status displayed FREE instead of ON – Fixed in v10.
  • Control surfaces using Mackie protocol may have shown a status of N/A while they were actually working as expected. Some control surfaces may have lost focus while toggling OS focus to another supporting host application - Fixed in v10.
  • When recalling scenes, internal routings and the on/off settings of auxiliary sends may not load correctly as saved. New audio routings will not be activated and will not pass audio – Fixed in V10.0.57.88.
  • When toggling through multiple scenes, some channel parameters may not be recalled correctly – Fixed in V10.0.57.88.
  • Specific scenes appear to be locked; new scene parameters cannot be saved using the ‘Store’ function – Fixed in V10.0.57.88.
  • Some sessions created in LV1 v9 did not load in LV1 v10 – Fixed in the latest v10 update.
  • Plugins may have not loaded from a rack preset on a talkback channel – Fixed in v10.
  • When loading a session created in the LV1 32- or 16-channel configuration onto a 64-channel configuration, the Matrix channels may have not reset from their previous state – Fixed in v10.
  • Session notes did not load on Mac El Capitan and Sierra – Fixed in v10.
  • CUE bus output could distort after recovering from a crash. (Mac Only) – Fixed in v10.
  • Collapsible/expandable plugins were not automatically centered in the Plugin Pane after collapsing/expanding the plugin interface – Fixed in v10.
  • Rack Mode graphics could disappear after you toggle the layers while aux sends are in ‘sends on faders’ mode – Fixed in v10.
  • Using multi-touch within the Scheps Omni Channel interface could have led to unresponsive interface) – Fixed in v10.
  • Rapidly instantiating one of the plugins (Stomp Volume/ Stomp Octaver/ PS22) on multiple channels (alt + instantiate), may cause a server crash – Fixed in V10.0.57.88.
  • In some cases control surfaces using Mackie protocol became unresponsive. LV1 could crash when removing the device from the Inventory. (Mac Only) – Fixed in v10.
  • While GTR Stomp 6 or GTR ToolRack were open for editing, they covered a part of the plugin rack. Clicking on another plugin in the chain could cause the LV1 to quit – Fixed in v10.
  • Using a user-assignable key to view a specific channel while a control’s value box was open for text entry—on a plugin or on a Mixer/Channel view— could have caused the LV1 to quit – Fixed in v10.
  • Engaging both the ALT and the CTRL keys at the same time on the Mixer window caused LV1 to freeze – Fixed in v10.
  • Fast toggling between Scenes in a session containing Scheps Omni Channel plugin could cause the Server or the Lv1 Application to stop processing or unexpectedly quit – Fixed in v10.
  • Disabling Scheps Omni Channel in a channel rack while eMo D5 Dynamics was used as an insert of the Scheps Omni Channel, LV1 may hang or crash. (Mac Only) – Fixed in v10.