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SuperRack – Support Notes

Aug 13, 2024

This page presents existing issues in Waves SuperRack SoundGrid, some with workarounds.
We are working on solutions, and we encourage you to contact Waves Live Support to report any issue you may encounter.

  •  OS Compatibility
     Windows 11Windows 10Ventura 13Monterey 12Big Sur 11Catalina 10.15Mojave 10.14
    SuperRack V14xx
    SuperRack V13x
    SuperRack V12xxx
     Plugins Compatibility
     V15 PluginsV14 PluginsV13 PluginsV12 Plugins
    SuperRack V14x
    SuperRack V13xx
    SuperRack V12xx

    We recommend using the latest compatible plugin version.

    • Plugin resizing is supported with SuperRack SoundGrid 12.8 and above with 12.7 plugins and above, in the ‘un-docked’ plugin window

    Legacy Versions:

    • SuperRack SoundGrid v11 supports V12, V11, and V10 plugins.
    • SuperRack SoundGrid v11 supports V10 plugins on the following operating systems only: Windows 10, macOS 10.13.6, and macOS 10.14.6.
    • V10 plugins do not support mirroring.
    • SuperRack SoundGrid does not support non-Waves plugins.
    • On Mac, if your user account has been inappropriately named, it may lead to the SoundGrid driver failing to install or open. Learn how to properly name your Mac user account here.
    • If, after updating your macOS, you receive this error “The Waves SoundGrid Driver failed to initialize. The Driver might not be installed properly or be compatible with your system” upon launching SuperRack SoundGrid, you will need to re-install the SoundGrid driver using the installer found in Applications > Waves > SoundGrid > Utilities, then re-launch SuperRack SoundGrid.
    • After installing the SoundGrid driver on a Mac, make sure to go to System Preferences > Security, open the lock to make changes, and “ Allow” loading software from “ Waves Inc.
    • Starting with Mac OS Ventura, network timing & priority infrastructure introduced some changes, affecting SoundGrid driver performance. As a result, using Apple computers for recording or playback with the SoundGrid driver may exhibit intermittent audio dropouts. Apple and Waves are working in collaboration towards fixing this issue, however until resolved, we recommend using Windows computers for recording and playback with the SoundGrid driver. Still, there are many systems that record/playback with Apple computers flawlessly, so we strongly suggest to review the SoundGrid Recording/Playback Tips for Apple Computers article.

      Using Apple Macs to run SoundGrid host applications, such as SuperRack SoundGrid or eMotion LV1, is fully supported.
    • D, Q and M Interfaces can function as the network SOE (clock) master only when they are the only interface/s in the SoundGrid network. If other SoundGrid interface/s are added to the same network, make sure to set a different SoundGrid interface (not from the D, Q & M product line) as the SOE master.
    • For IO Sharing between SuperRack SoundGrid and eMotion LV1, both applications must be aligned to the same version.
    • If the outputs of a DiGiGrid D / Q / M interface are patched to a Soundgrid Driver, audio will not pass if the Driver Network Buffer is set to 1024 samples in the Soundgrid host application.
      Workaround: change the driver’s network buffer to 512 or lower.
    • The latest supported firmware version for the XI-WSG I/O SoundGrid Card for Roland (1.17.14) is available only as part of the V11 offline installer and is supported with SuperRack SoundGrid V11 and V12 only.
    • If updating the firmware of your SoundGrid server or interface via a network switch results in errors, connect the unit directly to your computer and repeat the firmware update.
    • VPN software can alter network settings to meet its requirements. These changes may affect the network ports used for SoundGrid and may compromise performance of the SoundGrid network. We strongly advise that you remove, disable, or turn off all VPN software while working with SoundGrid.
    • For some systems it is advisable to use a secondary computer for recording/playback. This provides optimal CPU and disk performance on the primary computer that is running SuperRack SoundGrid SoundGrid.
    • AVB systems using a SoundGrid BR1 (discontinued) unit connected to a JGS56 NetGear switch, will introduce audio drops and interruptions.
      Workaround: use a different supported switch .
    • We do not support putting the SuperRack host computer to sleep/hibernate mode while using the application. Doing so may result in unexpected behavior.

    Mac Only:

    • Starting from V14, both SuperRack SoundGrid and Perfoemer run natively on ARM based mac computers.
    • For best performance of audio transport from the SoundGrid Core Audio Driver to the SoundGrid network, Apple computer users should use one of the adapters listed on this page.
    • Recording and playing back over 32 channels using your local Apple ethernet port is not recommended and may cause random audio drops.
    • Performance of SuperRack SoundGrid V12 and above may degrade when running for long durations on macOS 10.15 Catalina, due a memory leak in the ‘Metal’ graphic engine.
      Solution: If you have macOS 10.15 Catalina on a Macs with ‘Metal’ and use plugins for long durations (e.g. for broadcast), we recommend you update to any newer macOS version.
    • On Mac systems, when changing the number of driver channels, audio playing from the Browser tab will stop and will not resume until the SoundGrid Driver is unselected and reselected in System Preferences → Sound.

    Win Only:

    • Connecting to a SoundGrid network via Thunderbolt 3 is currently not supported.
    • Audio streamed via the SoundGrid Driver WDM into a SoundGrid network may be distorted if Windows’ ‘High-Performance’ profile is not selected. Selecting ‘High Performance’ may require Admin or IT privileges.
    • To use MixMirror with SuperRack SoundGrid or Performer, please install the latest MyRemote service via Waves Central > Install Products > All Products - select MyRemote and click Install.
    • Changing snapshots with different rack input or output levels will introduce audible clicks.
    • Snapshot change time depends partially on your disk speed. For fast snapshot changes, use an SSD (or faster) drive.
    • In certain cases, if a large amount of bundle or single plugin licenses are activated on your computer or flash drive, you may experience longer loading time of the SuperRack SoundGrid application due to license scanning.
    • When importing an MRDB session with Dugan into SuperRack SoundGrid, it’s important to create real connections and activate Dugan in MultiRack prior to saving and importing into SuperRack SoundGrid. Dugan parameter changes in snapshots might not be imported correctly without real connections.
    • When trying to load a legacy MultiRack session that includes Sonnox plugins, SuperRack SoundGrid will hang, and you will need to force-quit.
      How to fix: Load the session in MultiRack > Remove/replace the Sonnox plugins > Save.
    • Performance of SuperRack SoundGrid V12 and above may degrade when running for long durations on macOS 10.15 Catalina, due a memory leak in the ‘Metal’ graphic engine.
      Solution: If you have macOS 10.15 Catalina on a Macs with ‘Metal’ and use plugins for long durations (e.g. for broadcast), we recommend you update to any newer macOS version.
    • On macOS, controlling a Rack’s output knob while SuperRack SoundGrid is not displayed in fullscreen, may result is sudden level changes.
    • When loading IRLive plugin or loading a session including it, you may encounter a loop of messages asking to locate IR files, even after located and selected.
      Workaround: Save the preset, remove IRLive, re-load and recall the preset and save the session.
    • Using a MIDI controller with ‘WINDOWS’ set as ‘Recall Safe’ to fire next or previous snapshots will result in an offset of two snapshots ahead.
    • When loading an .mrdb session with Dugan engaged in SuperRack SoundGrid, Dugan Speech will not work, until turned off and back on again via the Global control.
    • Group A must be populated with a server. (If you only have one server – it must be assigned to group A.)
    • The server network buffer value will always be identical for all servers.
    • On DiGiCo mirrored setups, the two mirrored setups must have the same number of servers. (When using a redundant server, it is highly recommended that the active server and its accompanying redundant server be of the same model and generation).
    • When turning Dugan Speech on and then off in a rack that's assigned to any processing groups B-D, a short mute may occur.
    • If you have a MIDI controller assigned to SuperRack SoundGrid and are using MTC, MTC will stop working if SuperRack SoundGrid crashes and recovers.
      How to fix: Go to the MIDI Controller panel, uncheck and recheck ‘Display MTC’, and it will work again.
    • Controlling Waves Tune Real-Time with a MIDI keyboard (Target Pitch) is not possible yet in SuperRack SoundGrid.
    • When plugins are displayed at 75%, the menu font is slightly corrupted.
    • Operating SuperRack SoundGrid in vertical mode requires monitors that support 4K resolution. We recommend setting ‘GUI scaling’ off when working in this mode
    • I/O device control panels will not auto-scale.
    • In low resolutions, auto scaling may introduce some graphic artifacts such as blurry texts, un-even shapes of controls / indicators.
    • On macOS 10.15.1, when scrolling through SuperRack SoundGrid menus, there is no indication of what you are selecting in the menu or where the cursor is.
      How to fix: Update to macOS 10.15.7 or higher.
    • Mac systems running SuperRack SoundGrid V12.8 and below on mac OS 10.14.4 will display SuperRack SoundGrid’s Mixer and Channel tabs in Black. How to fix: Update OS to 10.14.6. or higher.
    • For best auto-scaling results, Windows scaling must to be set to 100% (in 4K - can be set to 200%).
    • To set-up SuperRack with DiGiCo integration when using Proton Duo with a DiGiCo SD console, please follow the instructions in this article.
    • Important note: Mirroring is supported only when both host computers run the same OS version, the same version of SuperRack SoundGrid, and the same version of Waves plugins. For example: two computers, each running Windows 11, SuperRack SoundGrid V13, and V13 Waves plugins; or two computers, each running macOS 10.15, SuperRack SoundGrid V12, and V12 Waves plugins.
    • SuperRack SoundGrid remote integration is supported only on DiGiCo SD/Quantum Series consoles. There is no remote integration option for SuperRack SoundGrid on DiGiCo S-Series consoles.
    • DiGiCo Quantum 225 & 338 users: Please note that the console's network interface might have the Energy Efficient Ethernet feature enabled. For best performance, it's recommended to disable this feature. For step-by-step instructions on how to do so, please reach out to DiGiCo support.
    • Disconnecting a DiGiCo console’s LAN port will prompt a “Waves mirror broken” message. This message is incorrect and can be disregarded.
    • You might see an error message “The remote control library installed on the console is not the latest version. Please install the latest version”. This indicates that the remote control software installed on the console requires updating.
      How to fix: either update your SD console software version, which will update the remote control software, or contact DiGiCo support or Waves Support for assistance.
    • SSL G-Master Buss Compressor V12 is missing the ‘Touch and Slide’ control in SuperRack SoundGrid and does not work with DiGiCo’s ‘Touch and Turn’ knob.
    • DiGiCo SD7 Quantum users might see a “Waves Not Mirrored” error message when SuperRack SoundGrid is actually mirrored. This message is incorrect, doesn’t indicate any real problem.
      How to fix: either update your SD console software version, which will update the remote control software, or contact DiGiCo support or Waves Support or assistance .
    • If “Enable External Waves MultiRack” is engaged in a DiGiCo console’s Options > Console tab, and the date of the console is moved forward in time, the console will hang upon the next power cycle.
      Workaround: De-select “Enable External Waves MultiRack” in the Options > Console tab, prior to changing the date on your console..
    • SuperRack SoundGrid SoundGrid might quit unexpectedly when using Touch and Turn knob on DiGiCo SD consoles to control Abbey Road Vinyl, PRS SUperModels, NLS and Brauer Motion V12 plugins. To solve, please update the mentioned plugins to the latest version..
    • When two systems are mirrored, settings in the SETUP/SETTINGS tab will not be mirrored. They must be set manually on the ‘mirrored-to’ system.
    • When two systems are mirrored, plugins loaded in a Scheps Omni Channel insert will be collapsed in the ‘mirrored-to’ system, although processing will take place.
    • When two systems are mirrored, navigation in the Show and Patch tabs will not be displayed in the mirrored-to system.
    • Disconnecting an Ethernet cable connecting two mirrored SuperRack SoundGrid systems will ‘break’ the mirroring. When re-connecting, mirroring is not re-established automatically.
      How to fix: Establish mirroring manually.
    • When connected to a DiGiCo or LAWO console, use three switches or less between the host computer and the console. More than three switches may result in connection breaks.
    • DiGiCo SD12 Consoles: To control Waves plugins directly from your DiGiCo SD12 console, you'll need to install the Waves for DiGiCo SD12 Driver on your console. Download the driver here, and installation instructions are here.
    • While loading a session in SuperRack SoundGrid, the Routing View panel may wrongly display errors. Click ‘reset’ to clear the counter.
    • On a fully mirrored DiGiCo setup with two SuperRack SoundGrid hosts, when aligning linked rack Inputs to outputs and then switching input/output banks, some racks may not align to the same bank.
    • Restructuring a DiGiCo session will activate loopback, keeping it active even after the integrated session finishes to load. To turn off the loopback in this state, disable and re-enable it on the console (Options>Console). This is pending a fix from DiGiCo.
    • Remote control of SuperRack SoundGrid by LAWO is supported with LAWO MX 6.x and above.
    • When connected to a DiGiCo or LAWO console, use three switches or less between the host computer and the console. More than three switches may result in connection breaks.
    • The Bucket View in the CLA MixHub plugin is not supported in SuperRack Performer or SoundGrid.
    • SuperRack Performer may freeze when a Realtek ASIO (built-in) interface is selected as SuperRack Performer's audio device in ‘Settings’.
    • VST3: SuperRack Performer can load non-Waves VST3 plugins if supported on local OS and the plugin’s VST3 component is installed. Only Mono or Stereo components are supported. Learn how to scan VST3 plugins here.
    • On Apple Silicon systems, non-Waves VST3 plugins must be ARM compatible.
    • Graphic performance of SuperRack SoundGrid running on macOS Ventura may be slower compared to older versions of macOS.
      Workaround: Use and external display, or downgrade to macOS Monterey/Big Sur. Fixed in SuperRack V14.23
    • When using a KVM switch to move between displays, SuperRack will crash if it is in full-screen mode. Workaround: Verify that SuperRack is not in full-screen mode before switching display sources. Fixed in V14.30
    • TRACT V14: FIR EQ corrections are not saved with the session.
      Workaround: Rollback TRACT to V13. Go to Waves\Plug-ins V14 folder and manually remove the TRACT.Bundle file. Launch Waves Central, go to Install > All Products section, at the top right choose ‘V13’, search for TRACT V13 and install it. Fixed in TRACT V14.12
    • Any Rack that includes an external insert must be assigned to processing Group A. - Fixed in SuperRack SoundGrid V14
    • Until further notice, Cadac users are advised to stay with MultiRack V9 and not use SuperRack SoundGrid or other SoundGrid host applications. We are currently working on fixing a critical bug in the firmware for the Cadac SoundGrid I/O. - Fixed in v13
    • SuperRack SoundGrid may freeze when moving between scenes with different GTR3 plugin parameter settings. - Fixed in v13
    • Closing and reopening SuperRack SoundGrid while integrated with a LAWO console may result in missing snapshots in the SuperRack SoundGrid session. Workaround: load the SuperRack SoundGrid session again. Fixed in v13
    • When the input port of SuperRack SoundGrid’s MIDI controller module is set to rtp MIDI, SuperRack SoundGrid will not launch upon restart. - Fixed in v13
    • When moving windows between screens with different resolutions, flickering or momentary discoloration or transparency may occur. - Fixed in v13
    • You may receive this error, “The remote control library installed on the console is not the latest version. Please install the latest version” after un-assigning a previous console remote control and assigning a new one. If you have DiGiCo software v1143 and above, this message is most likely incorrect. Workaround: Press Apply after un-assigning the previous console remote control.Fixed in v13
    • SuperRack SoundGrid might hang if an integrated session is loaded after another integrated session, and they each have different configurations. – Fixed in v13
    • When remotely controlling SuperRack SoundGrid SoundGrid via a DiGiCo console, the inventory may load without IO or Server assignments upon system reboot. - Fixed in v12.11
    • Windows Only: If SuperRack SoundGrid application crashes upon launch when remotely controlled via a DiGiCo, please follow this temporary workaround below. We already addressed the issue in soon to be available SuperRack SoundGrid update. Fixed in v12.11
    • On ‘mirrored’ DiGiCo setups with 2 SuperRack SoundGrid systems, focusing on the IR-Live plugin, changing its parameters, or moving the GUI when un-docked may result in a short audio drop of the ‘Mirrored to’ system. Fixed in v12.11
    • Changing presets of the MultiMod plugin via snapshot changes may crash SuperRack SoundGrid. Workaround: Set MultiMod as ‘Recall Safe’. Fixed in v12.11
    • Using GTR ToolRack may cause SuperRack SoundGrid to crash. – Fixed in v12.8
    • Restarting or shutting down your computer immediately after closing the SuperRack SoundGrid V12.2.0.180 may bring up an “SuperRack SoundGrid has recovered from an Unexpected Shutdown” message upon the next launch, even though the software was shut down properly. – Fixed in v12.8
    • The WLM+ meter is not displayed in the plugin slot’s meter in a rack. – Fixed in v12.8
    • Changing F6-RTA analyzer’s parameters may cause SuperRack SoundGrid to crash. – Fixed in v12.8
    • When launching SuperRack SoundGrid, you might experience a brief flicker. This occurs when SuperRack SoundGrid adjusts the computer’s screen resolution and color scheme to its requirements. When SuperRack SoundGrid is quit, the screen will revert to the previous resolution and color scheme. – Fixed in v12.8
    • If Remote Control is set up for DiGiCo, and the control module is manually removed from the inventory, the ‘Startup Sessions’ options in the Settings tab will remain locked and inaccessible. Workaround: Re-assign the Remote-control module for DiGiCo, Click the Gearbox to open the panel, unassign the console and click Apply. Now you can safely remove the Module and access ‘Startup Sessions’ options. – Fixed in v12.8
    • SuperRack SoundGrid might hang if you select ‘empty’ and immediately after that select ‘previous session’ as the Startup Session setting in Setup > Settings, and then connect to a DiGiCo console for remote control. – Fixed in v12.8
    • In certain scenarios, running SuperRack SoundGrid’s Auto-Config feature will cause SuperRack SoundGrid to hang. We recommend configuring SuperRack SoundGrid’s inventory and patching channels manually – Fixed in version
    • When SuperRack SoundGrid V11.0.67 is remotely controlled by a DiGiCo console, using the console’s Touch & Turn button to control V12 Plug-in parameters will crash SuperRack SoundGrid – Fixed in v12.
    • SoundGrid driver sharing is not currently possible between a system with eMotion LV1 (v11.0.65.150 and up) and another system with SuperRack SoundGrid (v11.0.59.49); it will be possible again once the next update of SuperRack SoundGrid is released – Fixed in v12.
    • When setting driver sharing, the Server Network Buffer must be set to the same value on both systems – Fixed in v12.
    • Although the “Console Remote Control” and ”Mirror Control” controllers appear in the SuperRack SoundGrid (Native) controller list, they are not active and will not work. They are active in SuperRack SoundGrid SoundGrid – Fixed in v12.
    • Once Remote Control is set up for DiGiCo, LAWO, or StageTec consoles, and a SoundGrid network is selected in Setup > Inventory, if you set the LAN port to ‘None’ and then back to ‘SG network’, the console software might crash. Fixed in version